Light Therapy Guide

Health & Beauty 09-30-2022

From ancient times, cultures have recognized how light can benefit both the body and mind. Today, we are utilizing our 35 years of experience in specialized lighting to harness the power of light therapy and positively impact and improve your life.

What is light therapy?

You might start to notice that shorter days and reduced sunlight are affecting your energy and mood. This is often referred to as winter blues, starting in autumn and lasting several weeks. For some individuals it can last throughout the winter.

Light therapy is eye exposure to an artificial light source that emits strong light, mimicking sunlight. This aids your body in the production of melatonin and serotonin when you have limited sunlight exposure. By replacing that lost sunlight, you can fall asleep more easily at night and feel happier and more energized during the day.

If you’re feeling blue or experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD), bright light therapy can alleviate your symptoms, helping you to feel back to your usual self. It has been clinically studied and shown positive effects in reducing symptoms relating to SAD, depression, sleep disorders and jet lag.

During spring and summer, as natural light levels increase, you may wish to reduce the regularity of your sessions, though if you feel your symptoms coming back, you should adjust your light therapy schedule accordingly.

2-in-1 Light Therapy & Task

Kickstart not only your creativity but your health and wellness. With an ever-growing spirit of development and ambition, we have innovated an effective treatment to SAD that is also the perfect tool for illuminating workspaces and reducing eyestrain while enjoying hobbies or carrying out everyday tasks.

The ability to effortlessly alternate between light therapy mode and task mode, make these lamps second to none. Providing an incredible quality of light to illuminate any task at hand while also being able to use the same lamp to bask in the glow of daylight and reap major benefits to your self-care.

Introducing… TwoSun™ Light Therapy & Task Lamp

As the winter months draw near and your studio or workspace become darker and dimmer, you may find that you lose creative motivation. Getting stuck on a passion project or feeling like you’re in an artistic rut is never ideal. By finding ways to brighten your space, you get the most out of your work and feel happy doing so.

Afterall, a happy environment is the only environment that will breed the most creativity.

Our new TwoSun™ Light Therapy & Task Lamp is your ultimate solution to brighten your space and spark new inspiration. This bright muse provides two panels for Light Therapy to improve your mood and focus.

With an Easy Twist Shade™ you can direct the high quality of light where it’s needed most. See true and vivid colours while avoiding eyestrain so you can work in a better mood and in greater comfort.

Introducing… TriSun™ Light Therapy & Desk Lamp

Darker and shorter days make it easier to lose focus on your work and feel more lethargic and less excited to do things you usually enjoy. Lacking energy and sleeping poorly make it hard to muster your motivation and blaze through your to-do list. Find a solution that makes you feel positive, alert and energized naturally.

Time for a brighter, more energized you.

Our new TriSun™ Light Therapy & Desk Lamp is the perfect answer to light up your office. This bright side-kick provides Light Therapy to improve your mood and focus as well as 3 color temperatures (daylight, cool light, and warm light) to ensure you can work productively from morning until late in the evening.

With an adjustable arm and shade, you can direct the high quality of light where it’s needed most. See clearly while avoiding eyestrain so you can work in a better mood and in greater comfort. The built-in USB port enables convenient charging of your device.

Our Light Therapy Lamp range has been tested to Medical Safety Standard EN/IEC 60601-1 and are proven to treat symptoms relating to SAD.

The answer to better life and work.

Tackle your winter blues and bring exceptional task-oriented illumination to your space. Whether you are a crafter, artist, writer, content creator or you work from home, our 2-in-1 Light Therapy and Task Lamp range will bring major benefits to you.

How does light therapy work?

To learn more about how to use your light therapy lamp, please see our product pages.


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